Linggo, Disyembre 1, 2013

Texting vs English Grammar

          There's a huge difference in the grammar between Text and English. In the Text grammar, it shortens the words to be said "Example: FTW means For the win". And in the English grammar, its the normal thing.

          I don't use mobile devices like cellphones because I never liked them. That's why I can't answer this question, but instead I'll use my opinion. As much as I know, texting is a very popular way of communicating because people around the world have their own cellphones and other mobile devices. And I think that texting is an easy way to express the feelings of others because some of them send some GM's or Group Messages. But texting comes with a disadvantage in the human communication. It causes us to be lazy because in texting the words told are very short. And can only be understood by some people, although they don't have cellphones. Also some people uses texting language to communicate to others without knowing. In other words, texting affects the human language and grammar. That's why we should stop using Text language and grammar. But instead use the old fashion style of texting.

          Texting can be a real problem when it comes to the human language and grammar. That's why we should stop it while it is early.

A Sembreak to Remember

          Sembreak is an event wherein there's no classes and we can do whatever we want to do in a whole week. I started my sembreak by going to my classmate's house and played some games. In my mind, I told myself to enjoy this sembreak to the max.

          On the first and second day, I went to my classmate's house and started the overnight that we planned. All of us played computer first, then we went to Adrian's house to put our things. We then went to the carnival wherein we ride on the caterpillar and ferries wheel. After that, we went again in the computer and played dota until 11:00. After that, we went to Adrian's house and there we watched a movie entitle "The Conjuring" it was already 11:30. We were eating while we're watching the movie, some of the were frightened because they scare each other off. After we finished watching, we decided to go to bed. The next day, we decided to go to the basketball court and practiced some hoops. After that, all of us went home and the overnight party was over. The rest of my sembreak days were boring because I was just in the house doing nothing but to play computer games and sleep.

          Just as I thought, I can't enjoy my sembreak to the max because there are limits. But I don't regret it, if that's what I have to do then so be it.

Biyernes, Oktubre 25, 2013

Power of Love

          Love is a very special feeling wherein we feel differently when the girl/boy we like talked to us. There are many cases why we fall in love, a perfect example is when we met someone because of the internet. Internet improves our communication and because of these communications we can know people from other places.

          Yes, I have been in love several times but I never felt in love like this. It feels good especially when the one you like replies your message, say I miss you and appreciates the effort you make just to make her/him smile. I know that being in love is difficult because it must not disrupt your studies, you must not abused the girl/boy because they have their own lives. And also don't give all of your effort, because there might come a time when you break up and you will just realize that you put too much time for him/her. My old definition of love is "Love is a bug in the human body wherein it destroys both physical and mental balance." And my new definition of love is "Love is a special feeling wherein nothing can block your love for him/her. Distance, height, weight is just number in love." I would love a girl because she gives inspiration and because I really love that girl. I like a girl who is caring, loving, kind, cute, and most of all loyal.

          I would say that I am really in love with a girl and because of this I became more industrious and serious than ever. Just like what I've said distance, height and weight is really just a number because when two hearts really love each other nothing can block it.

Sabado, Oktubre 5, 2013

Dearest Teachers

          Happy Teachers Day! To all of the great teachers in the world. As usual, we give flowers, eat like there's a fiesta and celebrate like there's no tomorrow that's what teachers day is all about. We celebrate teachers day because we want to thank them for their guidance and the knowledge that they gave us. Every single teacher in the world deserves a rose and a kiss in every student of their.

          I would like to thank all the teachers of Amaya Elementary School and Cavite National Science High School. Especially my advisers they really help me throughout my life. Teachers, our second parent and one of our best friends. We share our emotions, opinions, feelings, hatreds and more. They intended to listen to us and even give us some advises that would help us control this feeling and even forgive. Because of them I learn that we should appreciate being with them because there will come a time that we would go to a university and have our own family. And we may forget them, so that's why we must cherish it and make it to the fullest while we can because we can't bring back time. That's why I wrote this essay, not only to the teachers but also to the students like myself that we should cherish each moment in life. For we don't know when or how it will end.

          Again, happy teachers day to all the teachers in the world! May God bless you all and thank you for everything that you've done to us.

Revenge of the Fallen

                Julius Caesar’s generals, Macbeth and Banquo, encounter three strange women on their way home after quelling a rebellion. The women prophesy that Macbeth will become the Thane of Cawdor then become the King of Scotland while Banquo’s heirs will become kings. The three strange women disappeared. Upon arriving, Macbeth was given the title of Thane of Cawdor. To celebrate, Julius Caesar visits Macbeth’s place. Macbeth planned on assassinating Julius Caesar while sleeping. Later that night, while all are sleeping, Macbeth kills the king and his guards.
                Julius Caesar was killed by Macbeth, allowing him to take the throne. He marries Gertrude. Julius Caesar’s ghost appears to his son, Hamlet. Hamlet learns of his father’s death and seeks revenge! Hamlet became a little crazy after this. He visits Juliet and looks crazy to her. Juliet told this to Polonius and Polonius discussed this to Macbeth. They formed a plan to confirm Polonius suspicions.
 Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, who were asked to find out what bothers Hamlet, tell him of the drama group who will be performing. Hamlet gets an idea and asked the performers to play to perform the Murder of Gonzago, modified a little by him to reflect what Macbeth did to kill Julius Caesar. Polonius and Macbeth go through with their plan and have Juliet talk to Hamlet while they listen in. They found nothing suspicious but Polonius was not convinced. They then form a new plan; it is to have Hamlet talk with Gertrude in her chambers while Polonius listen behind the tapestry.
Macbeth watched the play of the murder of Gonzago then walked out, Hamlet celebrates that reaction. Polonius then tells Hamlet that Gertrude wants to talk to him in her chamber. At the mean time, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern were ordered to give a letter to the king of England with Hamlet. Hamlet was planning to kill Macbeth while he prays but didn’t do it. He then went to Gertude’s chamber to talk. Hamlet spoke harsh words to Gertrude and Gertrude yells for help. Polonius who was listening behind the tapestry helped Gertrude but Hamlet stabbed him without knowing who was behind the tapestry. Hamlet scolds Gertrude some more then the ghost of Julius Caesar showed to Hamlet and calmed him down. He reminds him that he’s to take revenge from Macbeth not to Gertrude.  Hamlet leaves taking Polonius body.
Gertrude told Macbeth about Polonius murder then Macbeth ordered everyone to search for the body. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern asked Hamlet where the body was. Hamlet said it’s down the hall. Macbeth sent Hamlet with his two close friends to England for their own protection. They leave. While on the ship, Hamlet finds the letter and rewrites it to order the execution of his two close friends instead. Hamlet was taken prisoner by the pirates until Hamlet returns to Elsinore. He writes letter and Horatio helps Hamlet to deliver those letter. Before that, Juliet gets crazy over his father’s death. Laertes returns from France and demands answers from Macbeth. Macbeth told Laertes that it is Hamlet to be blame then they devised a plan to kill hamlet.

                Juliet drowns herself and she is buried. Before she is buried, Hamlet and Laertes wrestle at Juliet’ funeral. Osric stopped Laertes and Hamlet and asked them to duel in front of the king and queen. They both agreed. Macbeth and Laertes prepared the poisoned wine and poisoned sword. Gertrude accidentally drinks the wine that Macbeth prepared.  Laertes wounds Hamlet with his sword. They rest then the swords are mixed up. Hamlet wounds Laertes. Laertes then told about the poisoned sword and wine. Gertrude then dies. Having heard of the poisoned sword and wine, Hamlet stabs Macbeth and made him drink the poisoned wine. Hamlet dies shortly after. Fotinbras, the son of Pompey, arrives. Horatio, being the sole survivor told them the whole story. In the end, Fortinbras claimed the kingdom and became the king.

Lunes, Setyembre 23, 2013

"Fair is foul, foul is fair"

          "Fair is foul, foul is fair" one of most commonly used line in Macbeth. It was recited by Hag one of the three witches who fool and play Macbeth. 

          If you would ask me what I think of this line. My answer will be "the world is cruel". Fairness does not only mean fairness itself but it means everything to me. That goes the same for foul, it is not the foul we get from playing basketball or other sports. I will recite one of most unforgettable experience in my life. When I was still an elementary student, I got bullied most of the time. That's why I prefer to be alone rather than being with others. Instead of spending my time socializing, I devoted my life on computer learning how to do some programming. In my early age, I learned that there's no one I can trust. Until now, I never trusted anyone because I might feel that same emotion again. That's why I never reveal my true feelings to others, they just see the fake me. The fake me is happy, friendly, sociable, patient, lovable and curious. Unlike the real me, I always wanted to go alone because I know that there's no one for me. You would always see me smile but the truth is I'm sad. You would see me talking a lot and having fun with others but the truth is I prefer alone. 

          That's why I believed that the world itself is cruel. I prefer alone rather than socializing with others. That's why I keep asking myself "What's my purpose here?"

Linggo, Setyembre 15, 2013

Climax at it's peak

          What is the climax of the play "A Midsummer Night's Dream"? Before we answer this question, let us first be familiarized with the play. A midsummer Night's Dream is a play written by William Shakespeare. It is said that A midsummer Night's Dream was written in the same time as Romeo and Juliet. For both of these plays have similarities.

          If you would ask me, my answer is when Puck encounters Lysander and Hermia. And Puck thought that Lysander is the Athenian who Oberon is speaking, and then Puck afflicts him with the love potion. I chose this scene as the climax because I believe that this is the root cause of the fights between Hermia and Helena, and Demetrius and Lysander. Another reason, this is where the highest peak of the play happened especially when both parties argue. 

          Based on my understandings about the play "A Midsummer Night's Dream", the climax is when Puck afflicts Lysander with the love potion. And that's my opinion based on my understandings about the play "A Midsummer Night's Dream". 

Sabado, Setyembre 14, 2013

Do you believe?

          Some people don't believe on the saying "the best way to forgive is to forget" that includes myself. I had my own personal reason of not believing this quote or saying by someone. If you switch the word "forgive" and "forget" that's when the time I will agree on that saying. Just like the others who don't believe in this I know that they have personal reasons.

          I will tell one of the many reasons why I dislike and don't agree with this saying or quote. Seven years ago, when I was an Elementary student something happened. When I was about to go home, someone get my umbrella and ran. I shouted for help and eventually one of the guards of our school caught him. I was really thankful for the guard's help and quickly went home. Way back home, I was still thinking what would happen to him. I was very curious that he might be suspended for doing something wrong. The next day, I saw him coming to school with his mother. After I saw him coming my teacher called me, as if she wanted to talk about something. And while my teacher and I was talking, he and his mother entered the room. My teacher wanted to have a talk with his mother, so we went out of the room. And while we were walking out of the room, he told me that he was really sorry about what happened yesterday. And I told him that it's alright. When my teacher and his mother finished talking, I quickly ran to my teacher and told him that I've already forgive him for what he have done to me. 

          And that's what I do, I forgive him even though he had done something bad to me. Just like our Father, he sent his son, Jesus. To pay all our sins and without a second thought he sacrificed his one and only son just to save us. 

Biyernes, Setyembre 13, 2013

Power or Mind

          Before we start comparing and differentiating between a person who is smart or sporty. Let us know first what is the meaning of being smart of sporty. When you hear the word "smart" what comes to your mind? People told me that they are intelligent, while the students told me that they are good at academics, and the gamers told me that they are good at forms and strategy. And what about the word "sporty"? As we all know being sporty is like we excel at a particular sport like basketball, badminton, tennis, football, chess and many others.

          If I would choose between the two, I would choose being smart. If you think I choose being smart is because I wanted to get high grades your wrong. I choose being smart because I want to know something I don't know before and to explore the unknown world through discovery. There are many untold stories, breath taking mysteries, secrets, and many other unexplained things. These things pushed me to choose being smart rather than being sporty. It's not I don't like sports, it's just I prefer mind rather than body. And there are many things I want to explore and discover using my mind.

         Which is better for me being smart? Or being sporty? My answer is being smart, not just because I would have a good grade but also to formulate something. Now that I've answer this question, I would ask you. Which is better for you being smart? Or being sporty?

Lunes, Agosto 26, 2013

A Prayer

Oh Great God, You alone can ease my loving heart
I am at peace for you make all my fears depart
I thank you for this day that you have give to us
I pray for the people and some help that I ask

Lord, please give them shelter and enough food to eat
Let the rain calm down and have enough time to pray
For this is the best help that we could give to them
Best than anything that we can afford to pay

Lord, please lead the people to the path of safeness
Please block all the dangers and the bad happenings
Let all the people knew that it's you who saved them
Let us all reminded to not abuse nature

Lord, sorry for the sins that we have committed 
.May these people be reminded to be faithful
The people in the country who are affected
Remember to trust him with all your soul. Amen

Sabado, Agosto 17, 2013


Original Version:

Ganito Ka Rin Ba Mag-English?
The following is a letter found at a certain bar in Manila and have been preserved to its original unedited form. Enjoy reading and you may try to direct translation is Tagalog, Pls. read with feelings……

October 1996,
To Marjorie

I am not surprise or wonder why Dennis leave you why? What reason can you think about but you’re very fat body. I thought before that Dennis only use me to his toy but sooner and later I’m realize that he really can’t not beared or stomached to be with you anymore because at first, Dennis say he could not stand you’re habit of making pakialam all his walks (lakad) and always calling to their house what he got home or this or that.
And then he say he get ashame to me either in school or in his family and then asking you to exercise you’re very very, very fat body. But you hate it. Thought you’re the most preetiest girls he knows about. What do you think you are “ Beautiful Girl” of Jose Mari Chan?
Even you are beautiful face ( to your think) you do not have the right to called me whatsoever or else difference name one time or the other for the real purposed to insults my personality because I’m never call you names either in the front of Dennis or in the backs of Dennis, but if you start already to calling me different name, I don’t have any other choice but to call you other different name to. Like you are a PIG, FAT, OBESSED, OVERWIGHT, AND UGLY SHAPE girl. Shame to you’re body that is to a BUDING.
You can’t not blame Dennis for exchanging you to me because I am the more sexier that you when you look to us in the mirror. I’m repeat again that you are like Lozada when she is a girl.
The sexiest Girl of D.M.
You say that I’m the bad breathe but who is Dennis want to kissed. Me or you? And the final is me. There you go

Edited Version:

Ganito Ka Rin Ba Mag-English?

The following is a letter found at a certain bar in Manila and has been preserved to its original unedited form. Enjoy reading and you may try to direct translation is Tagalog, Pls. read with feelings……
October 1996,
To Marjorie,

         I’m not surprise or wondering why Dennis leaves you. What reason can you think about but you’re very fat body? I thought before that Dennis used me only as his toy but sooner and later I realize that he really can’t beared or stomached to be with you anymore because at first, Dennis say he could not stand you’re habit of making care at all his walk and always calling to their house. And then he say that he get ashamed to me either in school or in his family and then he asked you to exercise, you’re very fat body. But you hate it. Thought you’re the prettiest girl, he knows about. What do you think you are Beautiful Girl of Jose Mari Chan? Even you have a beautiful face, you don’t have the right to call me whatsoever or in different name or the other, for the real purposed to insults my personality because I never call your name either in front of Dennis or in the back of Dennis, but if you already started to call me in a different name, I don’t have any other choice but to call you too in other different name. Like you are a PIG, FAT, OBESE, OVERWEIGHT, AND UGLY SHAPED girl. You should be ashamed at your body that is to a BUILDING. You can’t blame Dennis for exchanging you to me because I’m sexier than you, when you look at the mirror. I repeat again that you are like Lozada when she is a girl.
The sexiest Girl of D.M.

You can say that I’m the bad breathe but who want Dennis to be kiss. Me or you? And the final is me. There you go

Lunes, Agosto 5, 2013

Advantages vs Disadvantages

          For me blogging helps us in making informal themes just as these one because it is easier to edit and the neatness and legible of the text is all right. There are many advantages in blogging just like, it is easier to make informal themes but just like all the things there are disadvantages. Some of these disadvantages are hacking, phishing, copyright, injecting virus and more, I already experienced this because I am a hacker. 

          In hacking, a blogger account is hack or unable to access anymore because the hacker will change its password immediately so that the user will not able to access it anymore and either the hacker will terminate the account or make it a draft. Phishing is the act of attempting to acquire information such as usernames, passwords, and credit card details (and sometimes, indirectly, money) by masquerading as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication. Or in short in phishing, the hacker will try to steal your account's email, password and credit cards so that he/she could take it or terminate it. Either he/she will change the account's email and password or he/she will just set up a warning. Copyright, some of the viewers of the blogger site sometimes copy the written text or essay of one individual in order to use it as her own. And most of all injecting virus, just like in phishing and hacking the hacker will first steal the account's email and password or he/she will just directly put it in your account. There are many ways on how to inject virus on a account, a good example for it is sending a email, a email consist of a letter wherein it is told there that you must go to this site without knowing the hacker is already setting up a point for the virus.

          Just like the human world, the internet world is also a dangerous world but more dangerous than the human world. But for me, blogger helps in making informal themes and I suggest that we should know how to take care of our account and know how to set up a good firewall so that hackers can't access your internet.

Sabado, Hulyo 27, 2013

My Youth Romantic Comedy

          I wanted to be like Hikigaya Hachiman. For he is an apathetic, isolated, friendless boy. Hachiman firmly believes that youth is an illusion created by hypocrites, for hypocrites, born from the ashes of past failures. Hachiman is a teenage boy with short black hair and slim "dead fish" eyes.

          According to Hachiman, those who enjoy youth fir any event on their surroundings to their belief system of youth for self-confirmation. He may imply that by following youth, one ignores the consequences of their action. Plus, he may imply that by enjoying youth one loses their moral standing. It follows that according to Hachiman youth is a lie because those who follow it ignore the consequences of their actions. They more readily inflict pain on themselves and others, because those who follow it aren't as bound by morality and delight in failure.
          Hachiman  implies that with social groups there is a choice. One can be either a carnivore or herbivore. Carnivore form social hierarchies and those who aren't on top are burdened with failure until they die. On the other hand, herbivores must abandon their comrades to avoid predators which leads to guilt. In other words, to an average or below person there is no benefit. It follows that Hachiman would choose to be a bear, which is a solitary animal, to avoid social groups. So that Hachiman wouldn't have to experience the emotional disadvantages of his lonesome lifestyle like myself.
          "Relying on some, helping each other out and supporting each other. Most would say that's the right thing to do. However, that's just idealistic. In reality, someone always get the short end of the stick." For me this is true, because when you help someone who is in need you felt pity, but when you helped him and he get his objective he will just throw you away without saying thank you.

          In the end, I wanted to be like Hachiman Hikigaya for he has logical reasons and he is not socially intacted to others. "Reality is cruel, so I'm sure lies are form of kindness. Thus, I say kindness itself is also a lie. I always ended up with these expectations and I always ended up with these misunderstandings and before I knew it, I stopped hoping. A highly trained loner is once bitten, twice shy. As a veteran of this battlefield of life, I've gotten used to losing.

Sabado, Hulyo 13, 2013


     "To be or not to be. That is the question" was the famous quote of William Shakespeare in his novel called "Hamlet". For me the meaning of this quote is "Is it better to live? Or die?", many people asked this question to their selves. Especially when they feel that they are lonely, sad, and hopeless.

     Death and Life both have its own eternal slumber. In life's slumber, we can still control the dreams that might come. But in death's eternal slumber who knows what kind of dreams might come, after we've put the noise and commotion of life behind us.  Every human being has its own reason of life and death, and if is it better to live or die.

     Such as myself, I already asked myself about life and death. When I got involved in the motor accident, quietness revolved my world as if I never exist. Then I asked myself "Is it better to live? Or die?" Still now, I don't know the answer but there's only one thing that revolves in my mind "Without life there is no death." I believed that life is better, for God has given me a chance to step a foot again in this world. And so I will do my best to make a change in the world, for we do not know our time's end.

Linggo, Hulyo 7, 2013

Tense of Humor

Every time we raise
The chance of getting praise
Outnumbered by our casualties
Just like a war full of cavalries

A bonding moment for us
Another way to learn the tense
To make it progressive or perfect
And so to make it dense

We learn the shall and will are for future
Was and were for past
A quiet moment for me 
Then I should make it at last

A question answerable by yes or no
For my classmates it is hard like winter of snow
For the time I raise and recite
They get it and answer it right

Miyerkules, Hulyo 3, 2013

Collage : Future Transformation

This is a Apple Tablet, this apple tablet is used for applications such as communication, entertainment, games, social media and media player. The hand symbolizes the binary people or the people who created these technologies to simplify our life. This hand represents that we design and make these technologies to make our life simpler. The tablet represents 5 meanings or symbols. One is the NVIDIA, it is known as NVIDIA graphics it is used to make our computers, laptops and other technologies compatible with the applications we download or used in the internet. Second is the Processor/Microchip/CPU, it is the most important part of the system unit for is it the processor of the system unit, it transmits the date from the machine to the computer. The third one is the mechanical tree, it symbolizes how we use these natural resources to make technology. It also represents how technology affects the environment, it has its own advantage and disadvantage. The fourth one is the ATI RADEON, it is also known as the ATI graphics it is similar to NVIDIA but ATI uses advance graphics technology processor (AGTP). The AGTP used a specialized technology to make the graphics higher without consuming too much energy. And the fifth and last one is the Earth, this Earth symbolize that advance technologies are used to know more about the planet Earth and the other heavenly bodies. It also represents the transformation of our generation, it simply means that because of technology the impossible became possible, a perfect example for this is the exploration to the moon.

Sabado, Hunyo 22, 2013

Twist Of Fate

Original Text Of Romeo and Juliet (No Fear):
    Juliet returns home to discover the wedding has been moved ahead one day, and she is to be married tomorrow. That night, Juliet drinks the potion, and the Nurse discovers her, apparently dead, the next morning. The Capulets grieve, and Juliet is entombed according to plan. But Friar Lawrence’s message explaining the plan to Romeo never reaches Mantua. Its bearer, Friar John, gets confined to a quarantined house. Romeo hears only that Juliet is dead.

Romeo learns only of Juliet’s death and decides to kill himself rather than live without her. He buys a vial of poison from a reluctant Apothecary, then speeds back to Verona to take his own life at Juliet’s tomb. Outside the Capulet crypt, Romeo comes upon Paris, who is scattering flowers on Juliet’s grave. They fight, and Romeo kills Paris. He enters the tomb, sees Juliet’s inanimate body, drinks the poison, and dies by her side. Just then, Friar Lawrence enters and realizes that Romeo has killed Paris and himself. At the same time, Juliet awakes. Friar Lawrence hears the coming of the watch. When Juliet refuses to leave with him, he flees alone. Juliet sees her beloved Romeo and realizes he has killed himself with poison. She kisses his poisoned lips, and when that does not kill her, buries his dagger in her chest, falling dead upon his body.

The watch arrives, followed closely by the Prince, the Capulets, and Montague. Montague declares that Lady Montague has died of grief over Romeo’s exile. Seeing their children’s bodies, Capulet and Montague agree to end their long-standing feud and to raise gold statues of their children side-by-side in a newly peaceful Verona.

Own Ending:
     Juliet returns home to discover the wedding has been moved ahead one day, and she is to be married tomorrow. Capulet approached Juliet and asked her to drink a cup of coffee with him. Juliet agreed and they went to the balcony to have a little discussion about the wedding. Without notice, someone put some kind of flavoring into Juliet's cup. When Juliet drank the coffee she suddenly collapse and the Capulet hurriedly shouted for help but there was no one to help him. So he carried Juliet and went to the Apothecary, the Apothecary told him that it was a poison that temporarily makes a person dead. The Capulet sent an order to catch the one who put the poison in his daughter's coffee and there's a reward if they caught him/her. Everyone was aware of what happened to Juliet except Romeo, he noticed it when Friar Lawrence told him what happened to Juliet. Romeo was very shocked and worried about what happened to Juliet. Romeo went to the Apothecary to see Juliet and then he saw the Capulet and Juliet. The Capulet went outside and told him to take care of his daughter, then Romeo hold Juliet's hand and cry. The Apothecary told Romeo everything about what happened to Juliet and because of that Romeo hunted the one who put the poison in Juliet's coffee. Romeo went to the balcony where the cloak man put the poison, while he was walking he saw a piece of clothe lying on a branch. That piece of clothe was very familiar with Romeo, so he went to Benvolio. Romeo asked Benvolio if he went to Juliet's place last night but Benvolio told Romeo that he didn't went to Juliet's place last night. Then Romeo showed the piece of clothe to Benvolio, that was the time when Benvolio told everything to Romeo. Romeo was very upset, he never thought that his friend would betray and poison his love. Benvolio told that their love will only make the Capulet and Montague fight and it may cause a war. But Romeo never listen to what Benvolio have to say, so Romeo challenged Benvolio in a fight that if Romeo lose Benvolio is right but if Benvolio lose he will be vanished to Verona. The fight began, Benvolio stabbed Romeo in the shoulder but Romeo stabbed him in the chest. Benvolio pull out his dagger and stabbed it directly into Romeo's heart. Romeo felt weak and fell into the ground, he said that Benvolio was right it will only make the Capulet and Montague fight and if there's a chance it may cause a war between their family. Romeo died with his hand in his chest, when Juliet woke up she didn't knew that Romeo was already dead. She asked the Apothecary where Romeo is, the Apothecary told everything. Juliet was so worried that there's something might happen to Romeo, so she went to her father and asked about Romeo. But her father told about Romeo's death, Juliet was very shock about what happened to Romeo. Because of her loyal love to Romeo, Juliet grew old as a virgin and never looked into another men.

Sabado, Hunyo 15, 2013

Best Man of My Life

Fathers act in a protective, supportive and responsible way towards their children. Involved fathers offer developmentally specific provisions to their sons and daughters throughout the life cycle and are impacted themselves by doing so. For me, my dad is the best of all for he acts as our path in our life he helps us in everything we do. Also, when there is an argument between him and mom he always put his pride into a corner and understands the hatred that my mom is suffering. My dad comforts her in his shoulders and always give a kiss to her.

        When I was still a child we just live a normal life and our house was old as my grandfathers'. We don't argue the food that we eat even though if it’s just rice and salt. My dad always did his best for us so I also did my best for him so that his effort will be replace by happiness when he sees my grades. Because of my dad's effort we got a house at a village named "Pacific Ace Village" I was very happy that we got a new house and my dad was very happy when he saw my grades and when I pass the tests and interview in Cavite National Science High School. Because of the blessings that God gave to us we thank him by attending the mass, we thank him for the blessings that he gave to us and the protection. But God's blessings didn't just stop there, because of my dad's effort and his greatness at his work he was moved in Singapore as a Senior Master Programmer of a Company in Singapore.

        I want to be just like father, a patient, kind-hearted, curious, sociable and most of all religious father that supports and protects his family every time  And when there's a storm coming for us we will do our best and pray to our Lord to surpass this storm. He is the superman of my life, a mighty hero who protects and supports us every time we are in trouble.