Sabado, Oktubre 5, 2013

Revenge of the Fallen

                Julius Caesar’s generals, Macbeth and Banquo, encounter three strange women on their way home after quelling a rebellion. The women prophesy that Macbeth will become the Thane of Cawdor then become the King of Scotland while Banquo’s heirs will become kings. The three strange women disappeared. Upon arriving, Macbeth was given the title of Thane of Cawdor. To celebrate, Julius Caesar visits Macbeth’s place. Macbeth planned on assassinating Julius Caesar while sleeping. Later that night, while all are sleeping, Macbeth kills the king and his guards.
                Julius Caesar was killed by Macbeth, allowing him to take the throne. He marries Gertrude. Julius Caesar’s ghost appears to his son, Hamlet. Hamlet learns of his father’s death and seeks revenge! Hamlet became a little crazy after this. He visits Juliet and looks crazy to her. Juliet told this to Polonius and Polonius discussed this to Macbeth. They formed a plan to confirm Polonius suspicions.
 Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, who were asked to find out what bothers Hamlet, tell him of the drama group who will be performing. Hamlet gets an idea and asked the performers to play to perform the Murder of Gonzago, modified a little by him to reflect what Macbeth did to kill Julius Caesar. Polonius and Macbeth go through with their plan and have Juliet talk to Hamlet while they listen in. They found nothing suspicious but Polonius was not convinced. They then form a new plan; it is to have Hamlet talk with Gertrude in her chambers while Polonius listen behind the tapestry.
Macbeth watched the play of the murder of Gonzago then walked out, Hamlet celebrates that reaction. Polonius then tells Hamlet that Gertrude wants to talk to him in her chamber. At the mean time, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern were ordered to give a letter to the king of England with Hamlet. Hamlet was planning to kill Macbeth while he prays but didn’t do it. He then went to Gertude’s chamber to talk. Hamlet spoke harsh words to Gertrude and Gertrude yells for help. Polonius who was listening behind the tapestry helped Gertrude but Hamlet stabbed him without knowing who was behind the tapestry. Hamlet scolds Gertrude some more then the ghost of Julius Caesar showed to Hamlet and calmed him down. He reminds him that he’s to take revenge from Macbeth not to Gertrude.  Hamlet leaves taking Polonius body.
Gertrude told Macbeth about Polonius murder then Macbeth ordered everyone to search for the body. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern asked Hamlet where the body was. Hamlet said it’s down the hall. Macbeth sent Hamlet with his two close friends to England for their own protection. They leave. While on the ship, Hamlet finds the letter and rewrites it to order the execution of his two close friends instead. Hamlet was taken prisoner by the pirates until Hamlet returns to Elsinore. He writes letter and Horatio helps Hamlet to deliver those letter. Before that, Juliet gets crazy over his father’s death. Laertes returns from France and demands answers from Macbeth. Macbeth told Laertes that it is Hamlet to be blame then they devised a plan to kill hamlet.

                Juliet drowns herself and she is buried. Before she is buried, Hamlet and Laertes wrestle at Juliet’ funeral. Osric stopped Laertes and Hamlet and asked them to duel in front of the king and queen. They both agreed. Macbeth and Laertes prepared the poisoned wine and poisoned sword. Gertrude accidentally drinks the wine that Macbeth prepared.  Laertes wounds Hamlet with his sword. They rest then the swords are mixed up. Hamlet wounds Laertes. Laertes then told about the poisoned sword and wine. Gertrude then dies. Having heard of the poisoned sword and wine, Hamlet stabs Macbeth and made him drink the poisoned wine. Hamlet dies shortly after. Fotinbras, the son of Pompey, arrives. Horatio, being the sole survivor told them the whole story. In the end, Fortinbras claimed the kingdom and became the king.

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