Lunes, Setyembre 23, 2013

"Fair is foul, foul is fair"

          "Fair is foul, foul is fair" one of most commonly used line in Macbeth. It was recited by Hag one of the three witches who fool and play Macbeth. 

          If you would ask me what I think of this line. My answer will be "the world is cruel". Fairness does not only mean fairness itself but it means everything to me. That goes the same for foul, it is not the foul we get from playing basketball or other sports. I will recite one of most unforgettable experience in my life. When I was still an elementary student, I got bullied most of the time. That's why I prefer to be alone rather than being with others. Instead of spending my time socializing, I devoted my life on computer learning how to do some programming. In my early age, I learned that there's no one I can trust. Until now, I never trusted anyone because I might feel that same emotion again. That's why I never reveal my true feelings to others, they just see the fake me. The fake me is happy, friendly, sociable, patient, lovable and curious. Unlike the real me, I always wanted to go alone because I know that there's no one for me. You would always see me smile but the truth is I'm sad. You would see me talking a lot and having fun with others but the truth is I prefer alone. 

          That's why I believed that the world itself is cruel. I prefer alone rather than socializing with others. That's why I keep asking myself "What's my purpose here?"

Linggo, Setyembre 15, 2013

Climax at it's peak

          What is the climax of the play "A Midsummer Night's Dream"? Before we answer this question, let us first be familiarized with the play. A midsummer Night's Dream is a play written by William Shakespeare. It is said that A midsummer Night's Dream was written in the same time as Romeo and Juliet. For both of these plays have similarities.

          If you would ask me, my answer is when Puck encounters Lysander and Hermia. And Puck thought that Lysander is the Athenian who Oberon is speaking, and then Puck afflicts him with the love potion. I chose this scene as the climax because I believe that this is the root cause of the fights between Hermia and Helena, and Demetrius and Lysander. Another reason, this is where the highest peak of the play happened especially when both parties argue. 

          Based on my understandings about the play "A Midsummer Night's Dream", the climax is when Puck afflicts Lysander with the love potion. And that's my opinion based on my understandings about the play "A Midsummer Night's Dream". 

Sabado, Setyembre 14, 2013

Do you believe?

          Some people don't believe on the saying "the best way to forgive is to forget" that includes myself. I had my own personal reason of not believing this quote or saying by someone. If you switch the word "forgive" and "forget" that's when the time I will agree on that saying. Just like the others who don't believe in this I know that they have personal reasons.

          I will tell one of the many reasons why I dislike and don't agree with this saying or quote. Seven years ago, when I was an Elementary student something happened. When I was about to go home, someone get my umbrella and ran. I shouted for help and eventually one of the guards of our school caught him. I was really thankful for the guard's help and quickly went home. Way back home, I was still thinking what would happen to him. I was very curious that he might be suspended for doing something wrong. The next day, I saw him coming to school with his mother. After I saw him coming my teacher called me, as if she wanted to talk about something. And while my teacher and I was talking, he and his mother entered the room. My teacher wanted to have a talk with his mother, so we went out of the room. And while we were walking out of the room, he told me that he was really sorry about what happened yesterday. And I told him that it's alright. When my teacher and his mother finished talking, I quickly ran to my teacher and told him that I've already forgive him for what he have done to me. 

          And that's what I do, I forgive him even though he had done something bad to me. Just like our Father, he sent his son, Jesus. To pay all our sins and without a second thought he sacrificed his one and only son just to save us. 

Biyernes, Setyembre 13, 2013

Power or Mind

          Before we start comparing and differentiating between a person who is smart or sporty. Let us know first what is the meaning of being smart of sporty. When you hear the word "smart" what comes to your mind? People told me that they are intelligent, while the students told me that they are good at academics, and the gamers told me that they are good at forms and strategy. And what about the word "sporty"? As we all know being sporty is like we excel at a particular sport like basketball, badminton, tennis, football, chess and many others.

          If I would choose between the two, I would choose being smart. If you think I choose being smart is because I wanted to get high grades your wrong. I choose being smart because I want to know something I don't know before and to explore the unknown world through discovery. There are many untold stories, breath taking mysteries, secrets, and many other unexplained things. These things pushed me to choose being smart rather than being sporty. It's not I don't like sports, it's just I prefer mind rather than body. And there are many things I want to explore and discover using my mind.

         Which is better for me being smart? Or being sporty? My answer is being smart, not just because I would have a good grade but also to formulate something. Now that I've answer this question, I would ask you. Which is better for you being smart? Or being sporty?